SoftCapital develops and offers a cloud based financial business platform including modules for investment management, derivatives pricing, account management, customer portal and real time trading via FIX protocol; all bundled in a fast browser based environment.
During 2019 SoftCapital has worked with several 3rd party developers who have created their own customer facing FinTech offerings based on the core supplied by SoftCapital. By using our Sigma API as the core; customer facing FinTech companies and financial institutions can achieve a short time to market with their applications and services.
During 2020 we will release several API showcases in multiple programming languages to support external developers.
We are building a community around our API where customers and developers can gather to exchange information and needs. We are constantly adding new add-on services from our partners and we can now act as a distribution channel for external developers who build specialised applications that connects to Sigma.” said Lars Pehrsson, CEO of SoftCapital.
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