IEX The investors exchange is the first exchange in the world that publishes free real-time data for private investors, both top of book and the complete order depth.
Our application “TOP” is powered by IEX, and in the good spirit of IEX trading our users will benefit from free real-time data as well.
This unique initiative that IEX has taken, let this be a gentle nudge to other exchanges that should make their revenue out of trading and listing fees, not from retail investors.
What about the European Exchanges ?
In The European Union (EU) a new directive MIFID /MIFIR which took effect from 2018 it is stipulated that data should be given free to all retail investors, both top of book and the order depth. This data should be published in a structured format on the website of the respective website.
At the time of writing of this blog post not a single European exchange complies with this directive. Having contacted all the exchanges in Europe we experienced many creative answers as to why this is not done yet.
Try TOP directly https://top.softcapital.com
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