Sustainable Portfolio.

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SustainableUSA is a “green” portfolio which only invests in companies which scores high in sustainable, environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) values.
It is a “feel good” portfolio which yields a high return while maintaining low risk and supporting a sustainable future.

This portfolio is provided to the investor community for free and is updated with new weights at beginning of every month.(You can be notified by email) The initial amount to establish the portfolio is USD 20.000. It probably can be made ...

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Triple the performance half the risk

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Triple the performance – half the risk!
Does this sound too good to be true? Well it isn´t. Combining AI, Dynamic rebalancing and distributed computing yielded these results for a SP-500 universe. Results are repeated for Rusell-2000 and stoxx-600.
While the performance graph presents the results from 2005 till 2020(July 15) this is back traded results. The actual portfolio started trading in January 2020 to collect evidence of the performance while we continue to test and validate ...
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Portfolio/fund compostion using AI

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I could tell you, but then I´d have to kill you! This line from” The Hounds of Baskervilles” featuring Sherlock Holmes is quite relevant in this blog. You will understand why when you take a look at the following graph.

Major points
-Volatility is lower than the SP-500 index
-Return is higher

This combination is normally quite hard to achieve consistently ...

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The AI revolution in finance.

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The finance industry is going through a period of profound change and disruption.

Technology provides the means for firms to re-imagine the way in which they operate and interact with their customers, suppliers, and employees. One particularly significant area of development is the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

The pace of AI application ...

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New vertical ticker widget

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We released a new awesome tool for websites – a vertical Ticker Widget.

Vertical ticker widget lets you see the price and the change percentage of your financial instrument as well a small representation of the chart. The advantages of this widget are its compact size as well as its informative nature. The visitors of your website will be able to see the price of the instrument and ...

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Xab – a showcase

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With our widgets it´s easy and quick to design a complete financial website or implement one of more of our widgets in your present website. Xab, a Fintech company created a stock webpage using only our widgets and a few lines of php code.
Xab shows stock related information: Charts, news, company specific news and tickers all integrated in a single page. The whole site was made in less than a week, ready for launch.
Example from Xab:

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Sigma Server API

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SoftCapital develops and offers a cloud based financial business platform including modules for investment management, derivatives pricing, account management, customer portal and real time trading via FIX protocol; all bundled in a fast browser based environment.

During 2019 SoftCapital has worked with several 3rd party developers who have created their own customer facing FinTech offerings based on the core supplied by SoftCapital. By using our Sigma API as the core; customer facing FinTech companies and financial institutions can achieve a short ...

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Financial widgets

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SoftCapital releases today a complete set of financial widgets for easy implementation by 3rd parties to their or clients websites.

We are releasing the following financial widgets.

  • Financial news widget
  • Ticker tape widget
  • Ticker
  • Chart widget
  • Market quotes widget
  • Portfolio widget


All widgets can easily be embedded on any website and CMS system like WordPress, Typo3 or Joomla in less than 5 minutes.
A variety of realtime feed sources can be used or the user can embed own feeds via our API.

Try ...

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We Support IEX trading

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IEX The investors exchange is the first exchange in the world that publishes free real-time data for private investors, both top of book and the complete order depth.
Our application “TOP” is powered by IEX, and in the good spirit of IEX trading our users will benefit from free real-time data as well.
This unique initiative that IEX has taken, let this be a gentle nudge to other exchanges that should make their revenue out of trading and ...

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